Welcome to the first Artistika show 2013 in Visp
Acrobatics have become more than a circus attraction. It is the art in which the human body seems to defy all physical laws. With years of discipline, hard training, combined with great talent and delicate elegance the artists celebrate under the circus domes around the world, triumph over gravity. Not often do artists produce stories that they tell with such devotion and love. With the grace of a ballerina, the expressiveness of an actor, staged to perfection and accompanied by the perfect uniquely composed music they connect across all borders of the performing arts. On 23 February 2013, the cultural upper Valais town of Visp will be the place of destination for the best of the best in artistic expression and performance.World-renowned clown Gardi Hutter sponsors the Culture and Convention Center, La Poste, the platform for the first international circus festival Artistika. Far from under the circus roofs, the artists shall present their skills. Out of all applicants only six selected stars of the circus and vaudeville scene will compete at the La Poste for prizes in excess of 10,000 francs at the first international artistic gala “Artisika”, created by Swiss artist Ramon Schnyder.