Artistika on facebook
Check it out: Facebook....Dear friends of Artistika.
We are overwhelmed by the reaction of Artistika 2015. We would like to sincerely thank all who contributed to the success of this great evening.
Many wonderful moments will remain in our hearts and we have already begun preparations for the Artistika season 2016.
We also want to thank all the artists who applied this year but were unfortunately unable to be invited this year and we strongly encourage them to apply again next year. Since we will be the very first Acrobatics Festival to be held on the high seas in 2016 as "Artistika of the Sea" in cooperation with Hapag Lloyd, we are able to invite 6 additional artists.
A warm thank you again to all who contributed to the Artistika 2015, it was an unforgettable evening ...
Olivier Imboden, Karim Habli and the whole Artistika family.
TV Bericht Kanal 9 23.03.2015
(Beitrag beginnt ab 09:14)RRO Beiträge
Interview mit Thomas Leuenberger alias Baldrian (Komiker)
Einschaltug aus dem Backstage Bereich
Interview mit Paul Tschenn, Einradkünstler
Kurz vor Showbeginn. Die Artistika 2015 kann starten
Ein begeistertes Publikum nach der Show
Artikel im Walliser Bote 23.03.2015
PDF (998 KB)TV Bericht Kanal 9 17.03.2015
Beitrag beginnt ab 12:18The third International Artistic Festival in Visp
Artistika for Kids