Peter Shub: Patron
We are very proud that Peter Shub will be sponsoring the third Artistika. He is not just a Star but a world star! No one else has the ability to make people laugh in such a playful manner as he. Originally he wanted to be a serious actor, so he attended drama school, but every time he took the stage, the audience laughed. Since then Peter has known his life's mission.
Anatoliy Zalevskiy: Life's work
Anatoliy Zalevskiy is currently considered the world's best Equilibrist. He studied at The State Circus and Ballet School in Kiev. There he developed his distinctive style that switches between ballet and acrobatics. In the "Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain" in Paris in 1998, he won the gold medal and is currently on the acclaimed Shooting Star par.
Nina Burri: Moderation
Nina Burri, the Bernese "danseur exceptionnel" decided at 30 to create her own acrobatic solo number. She attended the acrobatics school "China Acrobatic Troupe" in Beijing-China where she was able to learn the art of contortion. There she worked for six months, eight hours a day, on handstand technique and agility.
Daniel Golla
Daniel Golla discovered at the age of ten years, his passion for flying model airplanes. Over 14 years of experience and development shine through his model aircraft and his unique shows. Total Liftoff - is probably the best description for the shows of this young model airplane artist. Gravity and aerodynamics seem completely overridden when Daniels "Shockflyer" flies its daring maneuvers.